Frequently Asked


Q: What does Belkin Tutoring offer?

A: Belkin Tutoring offers academic support for all learners including executive functioning strategies, test taking skills, and content area support. We meet with students anywhere from “as needed”  to several times weekly on a standing bases. We recommend weekly standing sessions as times fill in quickly.  

Belkin Tutoring offers parent support and guidance in regards to their children's education. This includes, but is not limited to, meeting with psychologists to review neuropsych exams. We then meet with the parents and schools to help create an IEP and/or 505 plan.  

Belkin Tutoring meets with parents prior to conferences to offer insights and suggestions to contribute to the student’s academic success

Services include:

  • Academic Subjects

  • College Essays

  • College Applications

  • ACT/SAT Prep

  • Consultations with parents and schools

Q: What is important to Belkin Tutoring?

A: Building relationships with the students, meeting the students where they are at, and transparency about the student’s learning

Q: How do sessions work?

A: We have in-person and remote tutoring. Sessions are a minimum of one hour. We do have a 24 hour cancellation policy. Session may be scheduled on a standing basis and/or as needed.

Q: Who do I contact if I or my child needs support from Belkin Tutoring?

A: Call Alyse Belkin 248.763.6096. She will assess your needs and make a connection/introduction between the learner and the tutor. 

Q: What if my child is a good student and has anxiety, yet needs reassurance ?  

A: This is common in our fast paced world along with the high academic expectations and pressures. We successfully cater to this student profile. 

Q: What are the benefits of academic support for my child?

A: The benefits are endless. Students learn how to improve their learning/skills and strategies, they gain a better understanding of content, their confidence grows, their self-advocacy develops and expands, they learn to become independent learners plus many more.

Q: What is a Twice-Exceptional (2e)?

A: Twice-Exceptional (2e) is a diagnosis (many students go undiagnosed) that in a nutshell is defined as “students who are gifted and also have learning differences such as Autism, AD/HD, executive functioning challenges, processing deficits, and mild dyslexia. The students are driven by creativity and intellectual curiosity”.

Q: What if my child has a test coming up and needs a review session the night before his/her test?

A:  Review sessions are crucial to student success. With a bit of notice, we will accommodate and schedule a session prior to the test. 

Q: My child is overwhelmed with college applications and essays. Can you help?

A: We can! We navigate the entire application process with students with as much or little support as needed. Our services included setting up time lines and creating an overall plan for completing and submitting applications and essays. 

Q: My child struggles with reading. Can you help?

A: We can! Our professionals, using strength-based and research-based strategies are able to build reading skills and develop able readers.

Q: My child has ADHD and is challenged with academics. How can you help?

A: By establishing a connection with the students, our professionals can hone in on the students’ interests and strengths to engage them. Once engaged, we can impactfully provide the necessary academic support for students to meet goals and expectations.